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Win win cooperation

  • Brand advantage

    1、Thoroughly tempered


    3、Pursue integrity

    3、The tolerance rate of defective products is 0

  • Market advantage

    1、Full product line

    2、I have no one

    3、High cost performance

    4、Cost saving for customers

  • Technical advantages

    1、High tech enterprise

    2、22 invention patents united with colleges and Universities

    3、Own independent intellectual property rights

  • Service advantage

    1、Combination of online and offline

    2、Considerate before and after sales

    3、Meet customer needs

    4、Provide personalized services

Service commitment

Jiaozuo Wanrui industry and Trade Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of pipeline materials in China. It has high enterprise popularity in China. It is an enterprise that abides by contracts and promises in Jiaozuo, and has passed the ISO9001 quality management system standard certification.

01Quality Policy And Objectives

[quality policy] with excellent staff quality and advanced technology, produce high-quality pipeline products, ensure product safety performance, keep customers satisfied, and build "yuerui" brand.

[Quality Objective] pursue the perfect quality and safety performance of pipeline products, and provide reliable guarantee for high-quality products. It is the company's long-term goal to strive for 100% qualified products and high-quality services and win 100% customer satisfaction.

02Quality Assurance

1、Our products are designed and manufactured in strict accordance with the national standard GB, American standard API, ANSI, German standard DIN, British Standard BS and other standards, and adopt advanced equipment.

2、Meet the customer's requirements for the temperature, pressure, medium, hardness and other relevant technical parameters of the product standard, and select the type for it.

3、The chemical composition and mechanical properties of all product parts and components meet the requirements of national standards.

4、All product parts have been well processed and tested, and the machining dimensional accuracy meets the requirements of national standards.

5、Each product is strictly inspected and tested before leaving the factory to ensure a 100% pass rate.

03Service Guarantee

1、The warranty period of our products is 18 months. During the warranty period, if the products are damaged due to material defects, manufacturing quality, design and other reasons, our company is responsible for free warranty, replacement of parts or the whole product. After the expiration of the warranty period, the cost of replaced standard parts and electrical components shall be charged.

2、Our company welcomes customers' quality inspectors or supervisors to inspect the product quality in the factory, and the company provides convenient working conditions.

3、Quality is the life of our company, and integrity is the purpose of our company. Please rest assured that the owner can use the pipeline materials of our company.

4、After receiving feedback from customers about product quality problems, our company guarantees to reply within 1 hour.

Cooperation casesMORE +

  • Wanda Group

  • Shineway Group

  • Volkswagen Valve

  • Shanxi Jinneng group

  • Jiangsu Shentong valve

  • PetroChina


  • China Guodian

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