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Yuerui pipe kxt-a rubber joint

release:time:2022-05-17Return to list

Kxt-a rubber joint is one of the main products of Jiaozuo Wanrui industry and Trade Co., Ltd. at present, it is widely welcomed and praised in the national market. If you need rubber joint products, you can contact us for consultation at any time.

Rubber joint is composed of fabric reinforced rubber parts, flat Union, loose metal flange or threaded pipe flange, which is used for vibration isolation, noise reduction and displacement compensation of pipeline.

Rubber joint classification:

According to the shape, it is divided into concentric equal diameter, concentric reducing diameter and eccentric reducing diameter.

According to the structure, it is divided into: single sphere, double sphere and elbow sphere.

According to the connection form, it is divided into: flange connection, threaded connection and threaded pipe flange connection.

According to the working pressure, it is divided into five grades: 0.25MPa, 0.6MPa, 1.0MPa, 1.6Mpa and 2.5MPa.

Performance features: 1. Small volume, light weight, good elasticity and convenient installation and maintenance. 2. It can produce lateral, axial and angular displacement during installation, which is not limited by the lack of center of the pipeline and the non parallelism of the flange. 3. When working, it can reduce the noise transmitted by the structure and has strong vibration absorption capacity.

Scope of application: because the flexible rubber joint has good comprehensive performance, it is widely used in basic projects such as chemical industry, construction, water supply, drainage, petroleum, light and light industry, refrigeration, sanitation, plumbing, fire control, electric power and so on.

Applicable medium: according to different materials, it can be made into various varieties such as acid resistance, alkali resistance, corrosion resistance, oil resistance and heat resistance, which can adapt to a variety of media and environment

Installation method: 1 When installing rubber joints, it is strictly prohibited to install beyond the displacement limit. 2. The mounting bolts shall be symmetrical and gradually pressurized and tightened to prevent local leakage. 3.1.6mpa above working pressure, the installation bolt shall be provided with elastic pressure pad to prevent the bolt from loosening during operation. 4. During vertical installation, both ends of the joint pipe shall have vertical stress support, and anti pull off devices can be adopted to prevent the work from being pulled off under pressure. 5. The rubber joint shall be installed away from the heat source Ozone zone It is strictly prohibited to expose to strong radiation and use media that do not meet the requirements of this product. 6 During transportation, loading and unloading of rubber joints, sharp tools are strictly prohibited to scratch the surface and sealing surface.

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