





Jiaozuo Wanrui industry and Trade Co., Ltd

Always adhere to the "brand creation, excellence, high quality and perfect after-sales service"

Jiaozuo Wanrui industry and Trade Co., Ltd. (formerly Jiaozuo Wanrui Tire Accessories Co., Ltd.) is located in the industrial agglomeration area (provincial level) of Wuzhi County, Henan Province, at the intersection of Zhengzhou, Xinxiang, Luoyang and Jiaozuo.

The company was founded in 1988 and settled in Wuzhi county industrial agglomeration zone with the approval of the county government in 2006. The factory covers an area of 10000 square meters and a construction area of 6000 square meters. With total assets of 86.5 million yuan, it has 58 employees, 4 engineers and 10 personnel above college level.

  • Quality management system certification
  • Environmental system certification
  • OHSM system

Product Display

The company always adheres to the principle of "brand creation, excellence, high quality and perfect after-sales service".

We are committed to being a brand trusted by consumers
Be an enterprise that employees and their families are proud of

contact number:0391-7268896 / 0391-3888882

marketing network

The company always adheres to the principle of "brand creation, excellence, high quality and perfect after-sales service".

Originated in1988year
built-up area6000m2
total assets8650ten thousand
company staff298people
Sell well all over the country31province
New patent7term
The registered trademark "yuerui" brand pipeline materials sell well in 31 provinces, cities and autonomous regions in China, and are exported to Russia, Arabia, Italy and other countries and regions, which are highly praised by the majority of users.

Online Message

The company always adheres to the principle of "brand creation, excellence, high quality and perfect after-sales service".

News information

The company always adheres to the principle of "brand creation, excellence, high quality and perfect after-sales service".

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