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Strengthen Enterprises

Talent is the source of enterprise development and the foundation of competition

The company regards talents as the resources of the enterprise, takes relying on talents as the fundamental premise of enterprise development, respects talents as the fundamental criterion of enterprise development, and takes promoting the common development of enterprises and employees as the fundamental task of talent strategy. Be good at providing opportunities for different talents to fully display their talents, so as to make full use of people and make full use of people's talents. Through various ways, continuously improve the human resource management level of the enterprise and the comprehensive quality of talents, the common development of the enterprise and employees, and let employees share the achievements of enterprise development with the company.

Talent Training system

In order to help new employees understand the enterprise more quickly and integrate into the enterprise and team, the company has systematically established a new employee training system and employment management mechanism to help new employees improve their professional quality and professional ability by clarifying standardized training requirements.

Be thirsty for talents, find talents as valuable, recommend talents regardless of style, and use talents to their best; Better implement the strategy of strengthening enterprises with talents, and strive to build a high-quality talent team that can stand at the forefront of world science and technology and have the courage to explore and innovate; The development of Wanrui industry and trade has entered a new stage of accelerating the transformation from factor driven and investment driven to innovation driven. The essence of innovation driven is talent driven. The key to economic transformation and structural adjustment depends on talent.

Five strategies for Wanrui industry and trade talents to strengthen the enterprise

Brand Founder

First, build a talent team of Compound Innovation; Second, promote the strategic adjustment of talent structure; Third, strengthen the construction of high-level talent team; Fourth, promote the reform and innovation of talent development system and mechanism; Fifth, optimize the environment for talent development.

  • strategic

    Building a talent team of Compound

  • strategic

    Promote the strategic adjustment of talent structure

  • strategic

    Strengthen the construction of high-level talent team

  • strategic

    Promote the reform and innovation of talent development system

  • strategic

    Optimize talent development

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