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Wanrui small lecture hall: how to distinguish between double flange limit joint and double flange force transmission joint

release:time:2022-05-17Return to list

How to distinguish between double flange limit joint and double flange force transfer joint? Customers often encounter the problem that they can't distinguish between the two types of extenders, or the description of the models is mixed. The following small series will explain the difference between the two types of extender joints:

1、 In terms of model, the model of B2F double flange limit expansion joint is vssja-2, referred to as B2F, and the model of C2F double flange force transfer joint is vssjaf, referred to as C2F.

2、 In terms of function: the double flange limit expansion joint is mainly used to absorb axial displacement and bear axial pressure thrust within the allowable displacement range. The loose sleeve connection of pipeline is especially suitable for the connection in the pipeline with vibration or certain slope and bend. It can prevent the leakage and damage of the compensation joint caused by excessive displacement of the pipeline. Advantages: large expansion, convenient and fast installation. Features: it is suitable for pipes connected by flanges at both ends. The function of the double flange force transmission joint is to transmit the pressure thrust (blind plate force) of the connected parts and compensate the pipeline error, so as to reduce the damage of the axial thrust to the pipeline and pipeline equipment. It is mainly used for loose connection of pump, valve, pipeline and other accessories.

3、 From the appearance, the double flange limit expansion joint has four flanges, while the double flange force transfer joint is three flanges, which is the easiest point to distinguish.

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